

Signal / Power Integrity and High Speed Design

  • We offer classes from the beginner to the advanced user. One, two and three day classes. Public or private classes at your location. Have presented classes for over 20 years with excellent real world examples. No advanced math is required only general engineering principles. Fast Edges has taught over 5,000 engineers worldwide - from the USA to Brazil to South Korea to Japan to Europe....

  • This class will allow you to become familiar with signal integrity analysis at the board level. The lecture's modules address transmission lines and their effects on digital circuitry and printed circuit boards. The course will present detailed examples from real-world designs to demonstrate the necessity of understanding signal integrity issues and applying sound signal integrity principles to your PCB Design.

With this course you will gain a better understanding of the following:

Printed circuit boards: -drivers, receivers, Zo, Zdiff, stackup

Termination, topology, timing, parasitics, etc

Differential pair: routing, timing, crosstalk, common mode, terminating, multi-GHz

Crosstalk: microstrip vs stripline, forward & reverse, timing & jitter, understanding and preventing

Power integrity: planes, capacitors – ESL, size, location, mounting inductance

Reference planes: ground, power, return currents, splits, crosstalk, stitch caps

Vias: reference changes, stub lengths, stackup, impedance

Connectors: pinouts for high speed return current & crosstalk

High speed layout: vias, connectors, capacitors, PCB losses, planes

S parameters

Testing issues: equipment, probes, test points

Models: IBIS, drivers, receivers, simulators and accuracy


Digital Design Engineers

ECAD Designers with some high speed experience

Technicians with High Speed experience

Those who would like to further their knowledge on Printed Circuit Board Signal Integrity issues

No advanced math is needed

3 - 5 day class syllabus:

  • What is a transmission line
    • What causes transmission lines
    • What do they do to digital circuitry
    • Avoiding transmission line problems
  • Transmission line effects
    • Undershoot & Overshoot – can destroy boards
    • Ringback, monotonicity, crosstalk, timing
  • Printed circuit boards
    • Stackup
    • Making controlled Zo not controlled distance
    • Crosstalk & diff pair problems with multiple vendors
  • Drivers, receivers, Zo
    • Strength & speed
    • Zo & drivers
    • Incident vs reflected wave switching
  • Board interconnect delay
    • Different than system delay but important
    • Receiver input C, driver output Rs, PCB Zo, etc
    • Reflected vs incident wave switching
  • Termination
    • Placement and stub length
    • Parallel, series, Zo matching, driver Rs matching
    • Diodes - dangerous
  • Topologies
    • When are topologies important
    • How do topologies affect signal integrity & timing
    • Short & long Tee, star, daisy chain
    • Stub length
  • Package parasitics
    • L's, C's, and R's
    • Transmission lines in packages
    • How do they affect signal integrity & timing
    • Capacitive loading on transmission lines
  • Differential pair
    • Noise and EMI
    • Layout issues
    • Zdiff, Zcomm, Zeven, & Zodd
    • Controlling Zdiff
    • Side to side vs broadside (over/under)
    • Weak vs strong coupling
    • Zdiff problems
    • Skew affects on signal integrity & timing
    • Better terminations
    • Pad & antipad issues
    • Routing rules
    • Controlling mounting & gold finger capacitance
    • How to make differential pair for > 3 GHz
  • Crosstalk
    • What causes crosstalk
    • Safe routing densities
    • Effects on timing & signal integrity
    • Microstrip vs Stripline - different
    • Side to side vs dual stripline over/under
    • FEXT vs NEXT
    • Effects of Zo, trace width, spacing, length, guard tracks...
    • Differential pair crosstalk
      • Diff pair to diff pair
      • Diff pair to single ended signals
    • Fixing crosstalk
    • What needs to be done by layout engineers
  • PCB power integrity
    • Planes
      • Power & ground
      • Spacing & location - loop inductance
    • Bypass capacitors
      • ESL
      • Package & size µF
      • Spacing to load
      • Location on PCB & empty spaces
      • Mounting inductance, via placement, spacing, pads, etc
  • Reference planes
    • Perforation
    • Crossing splits
    • Reference consistency in designs
    • Vias, layer changes & references
    • Controls routing & stackup
    • Need to inform layout designers
  • Connectors
    • Controlled Zo, geometry, pinouts
    • Reference consistency
    • How many grounds & Vccs - return currents
  • Vias
    • Zo changes
    • Reference changes
    • Stub lengths
    • Blind & buried vias
    • Pads, antipads, hole diameter
    • Loading
    • How to make a 10 GHz via
  • AC losses
    • Skin effect
    • Dielectric loss - Df
    • Microstrip vs stripline
    • Noise margins with differential pair
    • Pre-emphasis & equalization
    • Surface coatings / treatment
  • Fiber Weave Effect - FWE
    • Multi Gb/s problems
    • Different weaves, different spacing
    • Routing for skew - angles & spacing
    • Materials available
  • Trace surface roughness
    • Causes
    • Additional losses
    • Options from PCB manufactures
  • S Parameters
    • Frequency dependent descriptors
    • Good for gigahertz designs
    • S21 - Insertion loss or interconnect loss for SI
    • Includes discontinuities, connectors, packages
    • VNA - 2 & 4 port networks
    • S21, S41 & S31
    • Sdd21, Sdd41 & Sdd31
  • Testing issues
    • Faster boards are harder to test
    • How do you test them
    • What equipment & how fast
  • IBIS models
    • Drivers & receivers
    • Simulators & accuracy
    • Repairing & modifying
    • Rs, trise / tfall, input C, parasitics
  • Layout issues
    • How to make quality high speed boards
    • What tools are needed
    • Signal integrity issues must be included
    • PCBs are now part of the design
    • Engineer / layout cooperation